The secret’s out, I was in fact not born with the most perfect lashes known to man. Odds are that you weren’t either which is why you are still reading this post beyond the title. The good news is that you can get them even if you weren’t born with them 😊… which is where our lash lift comes into play!
What is it exactly?
Alright so I’m one of THOSE clients- you know, the kind who asks five thousand questions about every single step along the way. Luckily my esthetician Linda (@facesbylinda) is the sweetest ever and answers all my questions without getting annoyed with me 😊
A lash lift is a refined version of the 80’s perm. (Don’t worry- they managed to get rid of that good ol’ perm smell) Your lashes are gently adhered to a soft round rod that is placed on your upper lid- curling them back as they stick to it. Once the lashes are in “curl position”, the perm solution is added carefully to the curve of your lashes and just left on for a few minutes before being wiped away. After the perm, I always choose to have my lashes tinted also because well, who doesn’t want ink-black, curled long lashes? The tint is applied the same way the perm solution is and left for just a few minutes before being wiped away. At this point, the rod is removed from your upper lid and your lashes are gently brush out.
How long does it last?
The lift lasts as long as the life cycle of your eyelashes are. The curl doesn’t fade over time, but your lashes will grow out. For me, it lasts about two months before I start getting the urge to have mine blacker and curlier 😉 TIP: Try to keep your lashes away from water for at least 24 hrs after the lift to let the perm solution do it’s thang.
Does it burn or hurt the lashes?
Not at all. I’m a bit neurotic about the things I put on and around my eyes so believe me when I say I would have never gone back if it was uncomfortable at all. As for the lashes, I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary; I usually lose a lash or two when I wash my face and it has stayed the same post-lift. I have heard girls say they lost their natural lashes when they did lash extension and I will say that I have tried lash extensions and a lash lift- neither has harmed my lashes.
The verdict
I do prefer the lash lift over the extensions because I like to be able to rub my eyes and really get all my makeup off at night which is hard to do with lash extensions. The lift is done to your natural lashes so it doesn’t feel any different- but man does it LOOK different! Here’s the before and after of mine.

*ESTETICHIAN TIP- Brushing you lashes in a gentle upwards motion actually STIMULATES growth. This trick can also be used on your brows!
Also good to note- the longer your lashes, the morning dramatic the lift will be. GrandeLashMD is a lash growth serum that I have had good results with in a pretty short time (two months). Even with me being inconsistent, I noticed the growth my lashes had. If you are in the Vero Beach area, Boho House Salon sells it!
Final note I want to leave you with is to pretty please make sure whoever you go to is licensed and has the right products to do this! Again, if you’re in Florida check out Linda’s Instagram (@facesbylinda) or website and give her a visit. If you can’t make it to her and you really want to try it just be careful and do research before booking the cheapest place you can find- these are your eyes we’re talking about and we want to keep those babies lookin’ good for as long as possible!
“The only drama I want in my life is in my lashes!”